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Kashiwa Community-Building Public Corporation General Incorporated Foundation Location: 3F,Asahichou 1-2-8,KASHIWA,CHIBA 277-0852 JAPAN TEL: 04-7170-1810 FAX: 04-7146-8287 Closed: Saturdays,Sundays and national holidays View big maps


1962  Establishment of the Kashiwa City Development Association Incorporated Foundation. 1969  Renamed as the Kashiwa City Urban Development Public Corporation Incorporated Foundation. 1993  Organization is changed to the Public Corporation for Urban Development in Kashiwa City. 2013  Changed to the Kashiwa Community-Building Public Corporation General Incorporated Foundation.


The goal of our work is to promote city infrastructure and environment in Kashiwa City and the surrounding areas. To achieve this goal, we will enrich the community-building projects in cooperation with citizens, companies, non-profit organizations, public services, universities and so on. We aim of these effects is to achieve progress for this area, and provide better welfare services for citizen

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